#boostyourpositivity – family ties

As I’m writing this we’re heading into the two final days of this fall’s #boostyourpositivity challenge. This time we’re talking quality time with the kids. No kids here yet, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have any quality time, right? Click through to read my take on this final challenge.

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#myvitabreak – week 1

And it’s a wrap! Week 1 of #myvitabreak, that is. I spent the week sharing challenges and tips for a well-balanced and healthy lifestyle on Instagram. Today, I’m sharing some more secrets, part of the challenges of this week. Continue by clicking the link below.

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my body and me – #boostyourpositivity

A new #boostyourpositivity theme has been sitting on my virtual blogging shelf ever since it was announced almost two weeks ago. While my morning routine proved quite easy to write about, the work topic wasn’t very much so. Imagine what went through my mind when I read about the third theme: describe your relationship with…

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and the trees are stripped bare

The trees are supposed to be stripped bare in October, but we have been fortunate to experience a real Indian summer and I couldn’t be happier about it. Turns out I do need that vitamin D more than I thought I did, me being the self-proclaimed queen of winter.

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25 questions tag

I’m going old school today by participating in a so-called tag, the 25 questions tag. Earlier this week, I already spotted the list of 25 questions on the blog of Falderie and yesterday it was also posted by Josie. Writing this has me reminiscing about the early days of blogging. Back in 2001 I had…

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summer mode

Just a quick update to let you know that I’m alive and well yet have been very busy lately. As most of you know I have a full time job which I’m combining with a freelance photography gig. Wedding season is in full swing and just before my holiday I had two weddings on the…

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Earlier this year, lovely lady Katrien (the brains behind the beautiful (graphic) design blog and company Grafisch Werkt) had an idea: she asked her blog readers if they were in for meetup between bloggers alike, a #twaartup (taart = cake in Dutch hence twaartup). And when an opportunity like that kicks in I am not…

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life lately

It’s been awfully quiet here and I guess life just happened, you know. Let me give you a recap of what’s been going on through this instacollage.

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