Soms snak ik nog eens naar een echte zondag. Zo’n zondag waarop alles mag en niets moet. Een huishouden, bijberoep en kind later is zo’n zondag immers een beetje een illusie geworden. Dat gevoel had ik het voorbije jaar toch. Dit jaar probeer ik daar een beetje verandering in te brengen. En dus deed ik…
Read Moresnapshot
snapshot #5 – time
Time. I am not sure how you feel about it but most of the time it goes like ‘so little time’ around here. In fact, it’s quite daunting how quickly it passes by. It’s been over fifteen hours since I got up to go to work and within an hour or so I will tuck…
Read Moresnapshot #4 – first bike ride
The cat’s out of the bag! Back in August I finally pulled the plug and purchased a new bike. Not just any bike, though, but a full-on race bike: the Lexa SL by Trek.
Read Moresnapshot #3 – cinnamon rolls
It’s lunch time and I’m talking breakfast. I guess that proves just how much I love breakfast. I have to admit though, I wasn’t a morning person when I was younger and I certainly didn’t have the appetite for breakfast. Nowadays I eat like a king (or queen, perhaps) in the morning and by dinner…
Read Moresnapshot #2 #krissielovesvinkie
Only last week I introduced you to a new series on the blog: snapshot. Today I’m sharing my second snapshot with you. Click the link below to read a short note about this photo.
Read Moresnapshot #1 – the city that never sleeps
Today I’m introducing you to a new series on the blog. While I usually tend to ‘spoil’ you with tons of images accompanying nearly each and every blog post, I do find the need to write you, dear reader, a shorter note now and then. So it happened that one Sunday afternoon the idea of…
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