#boostyourpositivity – family ties

#boostyourpositivity - love my family

As I’m writing this we’re heading into the two final days of this fall’s #boostyourpositivity challenge. This time we’re talking quality time with the kids. No kids here yet, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have any quality time, right?

Click through to read my take on this final challenge.

#boostyourpositivity - love my family

Our family is rather small. A set of parents, a brother and of course my husband and our pets. I prefer to call them my loved ones. They are the ones that matter most and for whom I would do just about anything.

My husband and I have been together for over ten years now. I’m oriented quite individually and I need my space, so it will not come as a surprise that I consider a relationship hard work. He’s the one who has to remind me of that, too, but I’m working on it. That said, there’s so much you learn about yourself in the process. I try to be more considerate nowadays, but I know that this need for space is my weak spot. Steven has proven to be my rock throughout these years. He’s the one who is always there for me and while I am quite stubborn and introvert he’s the only person in the whole wide world who can get something out of me (after desperately trying that is). I feel very lucky to have found a person with whom I can share the good, the bad and the ugly. Despite the need for independency, I really am in need for that person, too.

#boostyourpositivity - love my family
#boostyourpositivity - love my family

Apart from my husband, I’ve shared most of my life with my parents and my brother. Unlike some people, I do get along very well with my parents. Honestly, I prefer my mom to go shopping with before anyone else. She knows the definition of shopping. I’ve been going on a few trips with her these last couple of years and they’re the best ever.
Even though I’ve been married for over four years, I still hang out with my parents on a regular basis. We share a lot of interests so it happens that I tag along to a cycling race now and then (even in the pouring rain). My mom recently joined me to see U2 as well and whenever there’s a cycling event, I take my dad. I try to visit them on a weekly basis because there’s always so much to say and share. My mom is quite the hipster though, so nowadays we share our shopping haul via WhatsApp.
I’m very grateful for all the opportunities that were given to me by my parents and the example they’ve been setting over the years.

#boostyourpositivity - love my family

I’m not going to tell lies here: my brother and I didn’t really get along when we were young. He’s almost five years my minor. While we both still lived at my parents’ things could get rather ugly. Nowadays we get along quite well. We do couples stuff with him and his girlfriend and we share a mutual respect for each other. I’m very proud of what he has accomplished in life so far and can only hope to support him in the years to come. I believe it is important to share a good bond with your siblings as they’re the ones you’ll end up with in the end.

#boostyourpositivity - love my family
#boostyourpositivity - love my family

Of course Charlie, Lily and Akira deserve a mention here. Many people won’t think of their pets as part of the family but that’s not even a question here. They are as big a part of the family as anyone else. During the first year in our house, it felt quite empty at times but once we got Hiro all the emptiness disappeared. My sweethearts make every day so much better. Of course, I feel guilty sometimes when I don’t feel like I spend enough time with them, but I know that when they’ll do there binkies tomorrow morning (breakfast time equals quality time), that all is good in the (bunny) world.

As for my take on parenting, I hope to be the spitting image of my parents, because (allow me to say this) they did a pretty good job. Other than that, the online community has taught me that a work-life balance including kids is a possibility. I love reading the blogs of Kelly, Josie, Lies and Stephanie. I think they’re really good at this parenting thing (as for Stephanie, I can truly confirm this as I stayed with her family back in August) while adding so many aliases next to parent. Kudos to that, ladies!

If you haven’t read about it somewhere already: there will be another #boostyourpositivity brunch. Mark December 13th in your calendars and don’t forget to RSVP through the e-mail you received from the likes at Walkie Talkie.
See you there?

2 replys to #boostyourpositivity – family ties

  1. Ik heb ook veel vrijheid en onafhankelijkheid nodig in mijn relatie en dat leidt hier soms ook tot conflicten, zeer herkenbaar. Maar af en toe moet het eens goed botsen om te kunnen beseffen hoe goed jullie het samen wel hebben, vind ik. Jullie zijn een mooi koppel!
    Mijn mama en ik hebben ook een Whatsapp-relatie, leuk he 🙂

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