the rainbow bridge


Our beloved Hiro left for the rainbow bridge this past Wednesday. I don’t understand how fate can be this cruel to us. He is the third bunny I have had to say goodbye to in a mere five years and it hurts, so much.
For the first time in years I was looking forward to the Christmas holidays (Mickey passed away on Christmay Day 2008) and now it all doesn’t matter anymore…
Hiro left this world at our home, in my arms and with Steven by our side. I hope that will have served as some kind of comfort on his journey to the rainbow bridge.

Dear Hiro,

we miss you so much.
I hope you can find the company of Jack, Mickey, Snoepie and Pinky over on the rainbow bridge.
Send my love to them, will you?

One last kiss from your bunny mom & dad

4 replys to the rainbow bridge

  1. I’m sorry to hear about Hiro… I understand how you’re feeling, a pet is part of the family, and it hurts so much to lose it… But try to be proud and happy about the way you took care of him and the great life you gave him, I’m sure he was really happy to be with you!

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