On May 17th, the MAS in Antwerp finally opened its doors. Finally as in after a project that stretched over more than ten years. I must say that I’m already impressed by just looking at the building, so I’m pretty psyched about the visit I’m planning this summer.
If you don’t want to wait that long or can’t make it to Antwerp in the near future, don’t panic because the MAS knows to work its way around this. From now until June 7th, it is possible to take a live phygital tour at the MAS. Phygital? Yes, that’s correct, during opening times of the MAS, you can book a real-life guide, pick a tour and steer the guide (realtime!) from exhibit to exhibit as if you were there yourself. The tour guide hears the commands you’re sending through your keyboard via his or her headphones and walks around the museum with a camera, following your instructions.
The following video is pretty self-explanatory.
I think this is a pretty interesting way of introducing the MAS to foreign visitors. If you’re taking a tour in the next couple of days, I would like to hear about your experience in the comments section below.
For more information on the MAS live tour click here. If you’re looking for the MAS website, click here.
oh that’s so incredibly cool!
Amazing! loved the idea! thanks for sharing. =)
Hier heb ik ook over gelezen, echt super dat ze zoiets doen! Een hele nieuwe manier van ‘beleving’. Ben benieuwd hoe dit verder evolueert!