hotel ibsens

Finding a hotel at a reasonable price wasn’t one of the easiest things to do when planning our trip to Copenhagen. Eventually, I ended up booking a 3-night stay at Hotel Ibsens.

I loved its design and the cosy lobby in which a wine tasting was hosted every night (for the hotel guests). Of course we didn’t make it there in time for the wine tasting (it’s impossible to head back to a hotel at 5pm for us). The breakfast was different from what we’re used to and maybe that’s the reason I liked it (the hubby not so much, he prefers the traditional breakfasts). The best thing however was the location: conveniently close to Torvehallerne KBH and the city center. I do suggest you book one of the larger rooms as their rooms are a bit small.

0 replys to hotel ibsens

  1. Great pictures! I love the look & feel of the hotel; I should really start planning some city trips for the coming year and I’ve never been to Copenhagen..

  2. Great pictures! I love the look & feel of the hotel; I should really start planning some city trips for the coming year and I’ve never been to Copenhagen..

    1. Ik heb deze comment vanmorgen gelezen en het heeft mijn dag gemaakt, laat me je dat meegeven! 🙂

    1. Ik heb deze comment vanmorgen gelezen en het heeft mijn dag gemaakt, laat me je dat meegeven! 🙂

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