Remember what I wrote last year? About how 2011 was a rollercoaster ride? And how I thought I’d never be able to match it again? On some levels, I won’t be able to match it again, that’s true. However, 2012 proved to be one rollercoaster ride as well. I cherish a lot of precious moments (moving in the new house, Hiro joining our little family), but some things happened that shouldn’t happen to good people (and that’s all I’m writing about it here).
Here’s to 2013!
the last year in my twenties // got that photographer’s degree and did a shoot with the hubby // settled into our new home // Hiro // discovered lots of new places // Berlin there, done that // my caffeine consumption reached new (but good!) highs // missed my buddy Joey who lives with my parents now // visited Photokina and went all geeky // quality time with my mom // cooked and baked (and I won’t stop in 2013!) // giving christmas another chance