Photokina 2012

A couple of weeks ago the hubby and I visited Photokina in Cologne, Germany. Photokina is the world’s largest trade fair for photographic and imaging industries. As an avid amateur photographer, I was eager to visit this year’s edition.
I didn’t go with any expectations, though, assuming there would be lots of visitors on Sunday. Lowering my expectations seemed to do the trick as I had a great time visiting the fair. I got to try my hands on the new Canon 6D which isn’t available in stores until December. There was also a whole range of telephoto lenses available to try. I’m writing this on behalf of Canon, as I’m a Canon user, but all other brands had a stand as well where you could discover all of their products.
Highlight of the day was trying my hands at the Leica M. It was really fascinating but considering the hefty price tag, I’m going to stick with my Canon DSLRs for now.
If you like photography, I’d really suggest to plan a visit to Photokina during its next edition in 2014. It’s by far the best trade fair I visited!

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