Charlie + Lily

Here they are! Charlie and Lily. It took us two full days but we got them names. I’m so happy to have two bunnies hopping around the house (again). Since we’re at work most of the day, we decided to get two so they can keep each other company. They are both really sweet and…

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the rainbow bridge

Our beloved Hiro left for the rainbow bridge this past Wednesday. I don’t understand how fate can be this cruel to us. He is the third bunny I have had to say goodbye to in a mere five years and it hurts, so much. For the first time in years I was looking forward to…

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Bunspace Calendar 2014

If you’re still looking for the perfect 2014 calendar, this post might be something for you. Unless you don’t like pet rabbits, that is. Every year, the pet rabbit community Bunspace creates a calendar with photos of their members. The process is easy: you buy a ticket (proceeds go to an animal shelter) to upload…

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World Animal Day 2013

Today we celebrate World Animal Day, so it’s about time for Joey, Hiro and Akira to have their annual shining moment on the blog. These three sweethearts are such a big part of our family and I love each and one of them dearly. On a sad note: I had everything prepared for this blog…

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Today marks the first anniversary of Hiro joining our little family. I can’t believe it’s already been a year since we got him. Last night I browsed through my Lightroom catalog and picked ten of my favorite photos of Hiro from this past year. Enjoy!

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Benjamin Linus

(photo courtesy of Benjamin the Bunny) I’m sure you already knew that I’m a huge bunny lover. Imagine my reaction when coming home after a long day at work and reading about Benjamin Linus. Benjamin is the bunny of Brooklyn based Lauren Gates. She adopted her cute friend to help her through a difficult time.…

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World Animal Day

Happy World Animal Day to my two adorable pet rabbits, Joey and Hiro. While Joey continues to live with my parents (and enjoys my weekly visits), Hiro is the rabbit the hubby and I adopted in May. Let us also not forget about Jack, Mickey, Snoepie and Pinky who are watching us from the rainbow…

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Happy Things

You know what they say about enjoying the little things in life… That’s exactly what I’ve been trying to do over the last couple of weeks. They include having a relaxed homemade dinner, having Hiro over in our bed in the morning (only in the weekends, though) and visiting my buddy Joey at my parents’…

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Meet… Hiro. Yes, we did find a name after all for our little sweetheart. He’s feeling right at home already and is so happy to have us around during the weekend. I got to take a few photos of him on the second day he was here and managed to get a few cute shots…

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A new addition to our little family

After much consideration, we got ourselves a pet rabbit on Monday. Steven was able to pick up our little boy this afternoon and around 11pm tonight I was finally able to take a quick photo of him. We’re still looking for a name, but expect us to come up with that over the next couple…

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