Rad and Hungry

Rad and Hungry

I’ve been planning on blogging about Rad and Hungry for a very, very long time. There’s just one reason for this: every self-proclaimed office supply geek (e.g. me) should know about the existence of Rad and Hungry because, as their name says, they’re one of the raddest companies out there on the interwebs. If you subscribe, they will sent you a monthly office supply kit, but not just any kit. No, every kit has been thoroughly searched for and consists of four office supply items from a different country each month. I’ve coveted their kits for a very long time so when they had the best offer ever back in January, I didn’t hesitate and purchased four kits at once. Just look at how thoughtful the packages have been wrapped and I haven’t even mentioned the personal note from the brains behind all this, the wonderful Hen, that was included in every single one of them. Seriously, I have never seen my name written out so beautifully, so many times.

(on a side note: did you spot my fancy Rah Rah Club card?)

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